Check out You Crazy Vegan: Coming Out as a Vegan Intuitive here!

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Vegan Resources

Here is a list of resources that you may find helpful on your vegan journey and/or while exploring veganism:

30 Day Vegan Challenge

If you’re interested in adopting a vegan lifestyle – whether for health, animal rights, or environmental reasons – while not sure about whether you want to make a long-term commitment yet, consider doing a 30 Day Vegan Challenge to see if it works for you. You can find out more or sign up at

It’s free and you’ll receive an email each day with health tips from a naturopath, information on managing change from a psychologist, recipes by a vegan chef, practical tips from the VEA (Vegan Education Association) president, links to films and videos, and an optional mentor for advice and support.

Animal Advocacy

Whenever I’m tempted to feel hopeless about the state of the world, I find that reminding myself of the impressive animal advocacy work being done by Animals Australia does the trick to lift my spirits.

Find out about their latest campaigns, investigations, media releases and suggestions for how to take action on behalf of animals in Australia and abroad here:

Beyond Carnism

There are some interesting videos on carnism and the psychology of eating meat that can be accessed here:


Search for vegan, vegetarian, and/or veg-friendly restaurants, cafes, and stores all over the world by using HappyCow (I would never travel without it!):


You can access a variety of films on veganism through streaming or purchasing them online. Here’s a list of recommended films on the VEA website:

I also highly recommend the 2018 movie The Game Changers, presented by James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, Lewis Hamilton, Novak Djokovic and Chris Paul - It's "a revolutionary new film about meat, protein and strength":


See the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine website for information on plant-based nutrition, various health topics, news releases and clinical research findings:

Also check out the 'Optimizing Health' page and plant-based recipes on The Game Changers website:

Vegan Adventure Tours

If you’re keen to travel and like the idea of having all of your accommodation, food, and activities taken care of for you, check out the VegVoyages website here:

On my first VegVoyages trip, I was impressed to learn that everyone in our tour group, with the exception of my sister and me, were repeat customers (including a few people who did not normally eat vegan or vegetarian food back home). By the end of the tour, I could see why!  

VegVoyages offers loads of “off-the-beaten-track” adventures, cultural immersion, and 100% vegan food throughout the whole tour. You'll get the chance to explore various spiritual traditions, such as by visiting ancient temples of different religions, churches, and other places of worship, and occasionally by being able to participate in cultural/religious ceremonies yourself. You’ll also be offered the opportunity to help communities, people, animals, and other worthwhile causes during your travels.