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In January this year, I shared my 2024 intention to take notice every day of whether I feel a Whole Body Yes (WBY) when faced with various decisions.
I posted an update on the daily WBY check after a few months. The main takeaways at that point were that it’s not a good idea to ignore a WBY when it’s there (i.e., to choose another option instead of the one that feels like a WBY), and that WBYs tend to be very aligned with intuitive guidance generally – to the extent that I considered discontinuing my morning habit of tuning in to guides or waiting for any intuitive messages to come through because this no longer appeared necessary.
Now at the end of the year, I can say there were a few unexpected lessons that came of this WBY practice.
One lesson I took away was that it’s fine to follow our intuition or an inspired nudge to do something even if it clearly does not feel like a Whole Body Yes. This is not the same as ignoring a Whole Body Yes when it’s there. It just means that at times, it may be important to act in the absence of it.
While I do believe that the body is wise and often knows best, I would argue that it does not always know best. Particularly for things that are outside our comfort zone, or that we’re not currently in the mood for, it’s quite likely that we won’t get the go-ahead signal of a WBY, and we may even feel our physical body screaming “No I don’t want to!” in certain situations. It’s crucial to listen to the body of course, but if we feel a higher level of guidance telling us to move forward anyway (which may come through via clairvoyance, clairaudience, or claircognisance, for instance), we can err on the side of honouring that guidance rather than ignore it.
My experience has been that those decisions always turned out okay when I followed intuitive guidance despite my body not giving a WBY to it. For example, earlier in the year I’d planned a short getaway with a friend for a couple of nights. A series of unexpected and serious stressors came up in the lead up to the event which almost led me to cancel at the last minute. It didn’t feel like a WBY anymore. In fact, my body gave a “no” to it. And yet, whenever I tuned into what my guides had to say, it was always a yes.
I stuck to the original plan to go, and ended up having a really nourishing, fun, and restorative trip which turned out to be just what I needed. I came home feeling more refreshed and better able to cope with those issues that required my attention back home. The getaway did eventually feel like a WBY, but I wouldn’t have ever known that if I’d stayed home instead.
So, if we feel a WBY about anything, it’s normally a good idea to follow it. At the same time, if we’re intuitively guided to take a particular path or course of action, it’s worth following that guidance too even if our body is not saying yes to it (yet).
The other big lesson I got from the WBY practice was how important it is to simply feel good within ourselves. I’m now convinced that it’s worth aspiring to feel a little better each day no matter what our outer circumstances are, and that feeling good can become our natural state.
At the beginning of the year, the way I approached the WBY practice was quite passive in nature. I was focused on things that were mostly external to me, stating in my original article about the 2024 intention that “whether it’s on a particular action to take, who to see, where to go, what to eat, or what to say – I’ll tune in to my body and feel if there’s a whole body yes.” So, I waited to see what presented itself to me, only then checking in to see how my body felt.
I’m no longer satisfied with that approach. Of course, I still want to choose options on the outside that feel aligned and good. I just also want to cultivate a big “yes” from the inside whenever I can (such as through moving my body, enjoying a happy memory, or focusing on anything that’s pleasant), then take that with me out into the world rather than try force it to work the other way around.
I can choose thoughts that lead to feelings of levity, expansion and lightness in my body (indicators of the WBY). I can choose to take a break from mental chatter and meditate instead. I can change my attitude about a problem in a way that brings some relief. After all, as shared in my recent article on choosing happiness, outside events have less control over our inner world than we may be tempted to believe. And when we feel good, issues on the outside often fall into place or become resolved more easily. At the very least, they don’t tend to bother us as much.
If you’d like to join me next year in focusing on feeling good (or at least a little better from day to day) from the inside, please let me know!
In the meantime, hope you have a wonderful festival season, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year :)
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