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Live Q&A Calls and New Documentary

May 2022

This month we’ll be holding the first live Q&A call of the year for participants of the Clear Channel Course. Based on feedback, it seems that the preference is to have calls on a fortnightly basis rather than weekly. 

The call is scheduled for Saturday 21 May at 11am AEST (Friday 20 May at 6pm Pacific Time), with the next call scheduled for 2 weeks after that. 

Whether you’ve completed the entire course previously or haven’t signed up for it yet, you’re welcome to join as long as you’re able to access the course homepage by next week. Instructions for joining the call will be posted there. 

Please note that there’s no obligation to join every call. You might just want to join one or two calls depending on your schedule, or attend only when you have burning questions come up as you work through the course. Or you may prefer to dive in and be there for each of the 10 fortnightly calls on offer! 

No preparation is required for the first call. You are welcome to review the Course Introduction and Week 1 material if you like, but this isn’t essential. 

Unlike last year, the calls won’t be recorded or shared on the course website, so you might enjoy the opportunity to ask questions of a personal nature, in a way that feels more comfortable compared to when a call is recorded.  

Each group session will also be tailored according to what participants want – whether the preference is to focus purely on questions, or to include more discussion of people’s experiences, or involve some guided activities as was done last year. 

My So-Called Selfish Life Documentary

In the March 2022 update, I shared my interest in the topic of intuitively-led life choices that are not necessarily seen as socially ‘normal’ or acceptable, including the choice not to have children. Most of the responses I received to my FOMO to JOMO survey, which was included in the same update, related to that decision not to have biological children. While intuition was not always the leading factor in making such a choice, several respondents, across different age groups, stated that it felt right to choose to remain childfree, and that the idea of having kids felt wrong to them personally. 

A couple of days ago, my mum and I watched the new documentary ‘My So-Called Selfish Life’ by award-winning filmmaker Therese Shechter, about the choice not to become a mother. We both really enjoyed the film and it was one of the more entertaining documentaries I’ve seen. There were interviews with a variety of women who had experienced such things as: 

- Knowing since childhood that they did not want to have children 

- Having children after spending years considering that choice 

- Being in the queer community and feeling pressured to have kids

- Being fired from a meaningful job working with children, and receiving death threats, after admitting on 60 Minutes to not wanting to have biological children

- Challenges related to infertility and sterilisation (voluntary and involuntary)

The World Digital Premiere is now streaming until May 23rd. You can watch the trailer and buy tickets here if you’re interested.

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